“…We are CONFIDENT that you are MEANT for BETTER THINGS, things that come with salvation.” – Hebrews 6:9 New Living Translation.

“…I HAVE BETTER THINGS in MIND for you—SALVATION THINGS!” – Hebrews 6:9 Message Bible.

The EBT NOW Story

When I was in medical school, during my senior pediatrics rotation, we were required to watch procedures and get our booklets signed as part of our assessments. One vital procedure was the Exchange Blood Transfusion (EBT) for jaundiced or cyanosed babies.

The challenge was that the exact time for EBT was unpredictable. Students who hung around longer would get the chance to observe the procedure, while others might miss it.

One student had a knack for knowing when EBT was about to happen. He would send a coded text message: “EBT NOW!!!” Upon receiving this message, we would rush to the unit to observe the procedure and get our booklets signed.

Applying EBT NOW to Your Life

How does “EBT NOW” apply to us this month and in the second half of the year? EBT NOW means “Expect Better Things Now”—not tomorrow, but NOW—because the Word of God says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV). God will not be more powerful tomorrow than He is NOW; He is the I AM that I AM!

Don’t be like Pharaoh in Exodus 8:8-10, who, when asked by Moses when he wanted the plague of frogs removed, replied, “Tomorrow.” Who does that? Another night with the frogs?! Your expectation is crucial in this second half to experience the BETTER THINGS THAT GOD HAS IN STORE FOR YOU! (Hebrews 6:9 and 1 Corinthians 2:9).

Key Takeaways for a Better Second Half:

1. Expect Better Things Now

Believe in God’s promise for better things. Have faith that God’s power is at work in your life NOW.

2. Seize Opportunities [Redeem the Time]

Just as students rushed to witness the EBT procedure, be alert to the opportunities God places before you.

3. Embrace God’s Timing

God’s timing is perfect. Trust in His plans and timing for your life.

4. Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Your expectations shape your experiences. Stay positive and expect great things from God.

The second half of the year is a fresh start, filled with God’s promises of better things. Embrace this time with faith and expectation. Remember, EBT NOW—Expect Better Things Now! May you and your family experience the abundant blessings that God has in store for you. [To be continued next week].
