The Vision
Royal Envoys Inc. is a green pasture church with a mandate to raise envoys extraordinaire [Ambassadors for Christ that are outstanding and extraordinary] that will bring healing and wholeness to their world! [Proverbs 13:17 NIV].

Royal Envoys is Jesus CIA (Christ Invasion Army) tasked with the peculiar mission of RAISING ENVOYS EXTRAORDINAIRE (Christ`s Personal Representatives, also known as, FBI JESUS-Firm Believers In JESUS) using JESUS CIA (Compassion In Action). Royal Envoys Inc. is commissioned by God to make Jesus known to men the way they have never known before! We are out to help men out and make lives count by the power of the Spirit of God!
The Mission

Bringing everyday Jesus to everyday people with everyday issues through the teaching, preaching, and modelling of the Word of the Kingdom. Preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, without prohibition is our passion. [Acts 28:31].

Dr. Michael Koku
principal envoy
Dr. Michael Koku is a Physician and Independent Executive Director, Speaker, Coach, and Trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Team, renowned for simplifying complex ideas into actionable insights. He empowers leaders in business, education, healthcare, and beyond through his impactful coaching and leadership development programs.
Leading the LAMP Global Community, Dr. Koku drives initiatives like WILL (Women In Leadership League), PEARL (Parents Empowered Academy for Right Leadership), YES (Youth Empowerment Society), and TBN (The Berean Network), fostering leadership across eight spheres of influence. With eleven influential books, including 4 Keys for Effective Leadership, The AREA Code: Unveiling the Essence of Servant Leadership, and LIVE LIFE BIG: Don`t LEAVE Your Dream, LIVE Your Dream he offers practical strategies for today’s challenges.
You can connect with Dr. Michael Koku via these channels:

Debbie Koku
Principal envoy
Adebola Koku RN, MSN, is a dedicated vessel of grace with strong values that support her belief. She is driven by an unwavering commitment to her passion that exemplifies the qualities of self-motivation, resilience, perseverance, and hard work. She holds two bachelor of science degrees, both in Nursing Administration and Nursing Science, and a master’s degree in Nursing Science with an area of specialty in Leadership and Management.
She is a Registered Nurse with over two decades of experience in the healthcare field and an exceptional blend of creativity and innovative skills. With an unyielding enthusiasm for continued growth and success, she continually attains remarkable heights in her career, proving that no challenge is too great for a determined spirit. Her commitment to hard work and resilience pave the way to unparalleled success.
Bola’s journey has been characterized by a relentless drive to excel and most importantly, faith in God has been the cornerstone of her success, enabling her to turn aspirations into accomplishments.
She is the Outreach Director of Community Outreach Philadelphia (COPE), a community outreach arm of Royal Envoys Inc. that specializes in reaching out to the homeless and people on the street, giving them hope and ministering to them physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
1. COPE [City Of Philadelphia Esperanza

COPE [City Of Philadelphia Esperanza], our community outreach mandated with a passion to bring the HOPE of the gospel to the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We visit with help and minister genuine care to people everywhere in the City of Philadelphia, starting from the homeless on the streets [our honored guests], shelters, nursing homes, group homes, hospitals, hospice care, Juvenile Centers, Correction Centers. COPE started June 2015 and we have been able to touch so many lives in so many ways in so many places in the City of Philadelphia.
COPE Pictures - Slide to See More
Financial Peace University is the nine-lesson course that teaches you the step-by-step plan to win with money and gives you all the tools you need to work it. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in your situation.

FPU classes meet once a week for nine weeks to go through one lesson each week. The sessions usually last one hour to 90 minute to give plenty of time for activities and discussions. In fact, the average FPU graduate is debt-free in two years or less! But no matter where you are on your financial journey—sitting at rock bottom or just trying to do better—we’ve seen this class work for millions of people who:
*Have a huge amount of debt
*Have nothing saved for retirement
*Can’t get on the same page with their spouse about money
*Are facing a financial crisis
*Are newly widowed or divorced
*Are living paycheck to paycheck
*Have a low to average income
*Can’t keep up with their bills
FPU Pictures - Slide to See More

Our publishing arm just published five new books: 4 KEYS FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP [A book on how to be effective as a leader], 5 KEYS FOR EFFECTIVE NETWORKING [A book on how to effectively network with people], and THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE [A book on the significance of surrounding yourself with the right kind of people], UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL SCHOOL 2.0 and INSIGHTFUL QUOTES: YOUR INCISIVE THOUGHTS’ TRIGGER!
Published Books
Best Sellers
Happy Readers
Our Books

This is a children ministry where children are taught the fear of the Lord in a creative, inspiring, educative, and fun way using visual aids and positive role modelling.

This is our youth arm that serves youth both inside and outside of the church with innovative, educative, inspiring, and life-changing programs designed to raise the leaders of tomorrow to reach their full potential.

This is a Women Ministry to raise home makers and world shakers, global women with an extraordinary and family life. The vision is from Ruth 3:11.

A forum to challenge and strengthen men and women who has lost focus on their God-given vision. Getting them back on their feet again to fulfill the call of God on their lives. [Colossians 4:17].
Advance [Go Forward] – Part 2
“The RIGHTEOUS KEEP MOVING FORWARD, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” – Job 17:9 New Living Translation. “The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to GO FORWARD!” – Exodus 14:15 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition....
Advance [Go Forward] Part 1
“The RIGHTEOUS KEEP MOVING FORWARD, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” – Job 17:9 New Living Translation. “THE PATH of THE RIGHTEOUS is like the morning sun, SHINING EVER BRIGHTER till the full light of day.” – Proverbs 4:18 New International...
Higher Grounds Via Supernatural Advancement – Part 4
“And Samuel said unto the people, It is the Lord that ADVANCED Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.” – 1 Samuel 12:6 King James Version. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you...