“MAKING the VERY MOST of YOUR TIME [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil.” – Ephesians 5:16 Amplified Bible.

“MAKE the BEST USE of YOUR TIME. These are sinful days.” – Ephesians 5:16 New Life Version.

Expecting Better Things: Embrace the Best Use of Time!

Our focus in this second and better half of this great year 2023 is EXPECTING BETTER THINGS. And guess what? BETTER THINGS have already started happening for me—not because I am God’s favorite, for God shows no favoritism (see Acts 10:34-35 and Romans 2:11)—but because I am expecting better things every single day, in obedience to His Word!

Just Expecting Isn’t Enough: We Must Redeem the Time!

While expecting better things is crucial, there’s another vital instruction we need to heed: REDEEMING THE TIME. Both Ephesians 5:16 and Colossians 4:5 emphasize this, urging us to MAKE THE BEST USE OF TIME. The repetition in these verses underscores its importance.

Gene Wilder, the American actor, comedian, and writer, wisely said, “Time is a precious thing. Never waste it.” Indeed, time is one of the most valuable resources and, unfortunately, one of the most abused creations of God today.

The Divine Mandate: Make the Best Use of Your Time

Reflecting on Ephesians 5:16 (New Living Version), which says, “MAKE the BEST USE of YOUR TIME. These are sinful days,” the phrase “THE BEST USE” stood out to me. By divine inspiration, I realized that there are four different uses of time:

1.  The Bad Use

2.  The Good Use

3.  The Better Use

4.  The Best Use

Time: God’s Gift to Us

Time is God’s gift to us, and how we use our time is our gift back to God. We glorify God when we make the best use of our time for something profitable to our purpose in life—something that edifies and brings glory to Him.

As 1 Corinthians 10:23 (New Living Translation) says, “You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’—but not everything is good for you. You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’—but not everything is beneficial.” Beneficial means the best, helpful, and things that build us and others up, making us and others stronger.

How Are You Using Your Time?

The critical question is: How are you making use of your time? Are you putting your time to bad use, good use, better use, or the best use? Understanding the difference is key to experiencing the BETTER THINGS God has in store for you.

In next week’s teaching, we will delve deeper into these questions and explore practical ways to make the best use of our time. Until then, don’t squander your time—make the best use of it to serve God’s purpose in your generation. [To be continued next week].
