“MAKE the BEST USE of YOUR TIME. These are sinful days.” – Ephesians 5:16 New Life Version.

“…David did God’s will [served God’s purpose] during his lifetime [generation]. Then he died [slept; a euphemism for death] and was buried [placed] beside his ancestors [fathers], and his body experienced [saw] decay [corruption] in the grave.” – Acts 13:36 Expanded Bible.

In last week’s teaching, we identified the four different uses of time:

  1. The Bad Use
  2. The Good Use
  3. The Better Use
  4. The Best Use

Out of these, the God and gold standard according to the Word of God is to MAKE THE BEST USE OF OUR TIME: “MAKE the BEST USE of YOUR TIME. These are sinful days.” (Ephesians 5:16, New Life Version).

The Big Question: How Can We Make the Best Use of Our Time?

The answer lies in Acts 13:36 (Expanded Bible), “…David did God’s will [served God’s purpose] during his lifetime [generation]. Then he died [slept; a euphemism for death] and was buried [placed] beside his ancestors [ fathers], and his body experienced [saw] decay [corruption] in the grave.” We make the best use of our time when it is used to serve God’s purpose during our lifetime.

Eternal Purpose: The Priority Over the Ephemeral

Oxford University Professor, C.S. Lewis, profoundly stated, “That which is not eternal is eternally useless.” God’s purpose for our lives is eternal, and it must be prioritized over everything ephemeral!

Jesus: The Perfect Example

The Lord Jesus lived only thirty-three and a half years, yet John the Beloved wrote, “There are so many other things Jesus did. If they were all written down, each of them, one by one, I can’t imagine a world big enough to hold such a library of books.” (John 21:25, The Message Bible). How did Jesus accomplish so much in such a short time? By MAKING THE BEST USE OF HIS TIME to SERVE His God-given purpose (see John 6:38 and Acts 10:38).

Be Wise: Understand God’s Will

Ephesians 5:16 (New Life Version) urges us to make the best use of our time. The following verse, 17, says, “Do not be foolish. Understand what the Lord wants you to do.” To not be foolish means to BE WISE, and wisdom is understanding God’s will concerning the best use of our time in serving His purpose during our lifetime, just like Jesus and King David did!

Discover Your Higher Purpose

Canadian author and coach, Robin Sharma, said, “We all have something that we are meant to do. Your genius will shine through, and happiness will fill your life, the instant you discover your higher purpose you will then direct all your energies toward it.”

Embrace God’s Purpose

As we move forward, let’s embrace God’s eternal purpose for our lives, making the best use of our time. By doing so, we honor Him and fulfill the divine mandate, ensuring that our time on Earth is spent wisely and purposefully.
