Childbirth is often described as a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale, indicating the highest level of pain. Despite this, there exists a misconception that women are weaker in society. However, a woman’s strength extends beyond physical abilities; it is demonstrated through her unwavering resilience in facing life’s challenges, akin to a river steadily carving its path through mountains.

Rosa Parks, a civil rights icon born on February 4th, 1913, in the United States, faced discrimination against African Americans from a young age. Despite challenges, she pursued education, graduated from an Alabama high school, and encountered racism while working as a seamstress. December 1, 1955, was a significant day for Rosa Parks. After a tiring day at work, she boarded a bus in Montgomery and sat in the “colored” section. As the bus filled up, the driver instructed Rosa and three other African American passengers to give up their seats to white passengers, as was the norm during that time. While the others obeyed, Rosa refused to give up her seat, tired of the injustice. She stated that she was “tired of giving in,” and her defiance led to her arrest, sparking outrage, and igniting the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led African Americans in Montgomery to organize a massive boycott of the city’s bus system, lasting for 381 days. Rosa faced numerous threats and lost her job and her home, but she refused to give up on fighting against injustice. The boycott’s success put the issue of racial segregation on the national stage, and the Supreme Court eventually ruled that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional. This landmark victory was a turning point in the civil rights movement, and Rosa’s bravery and determination played a pivotal role. In 1999, Rosa Parks was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor the United States Congress can bestow.

Even though Rosa passed on in 2005, her legacy lives on. During my most recent visit to the National Statuary Hall Collection at the United States Capitol, I was informed by the guide that almost all statues in the hall can be replaced at any time, except one. That one statue is of Rosa Parks, and it cannot be removed from the collection. Rosa has a permanent place in the U.S. Capitol due to her resilience.

Call to Action: Women, embrace your strength and resilience, just like Rosa Parks did. Let’s overcome challenges, reject excuses, and persistently pursue our goals, refusing to give up until we achieve them. Rise above societal pressure and be the driving force behind your dreams!
