“So, I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” – Luke 11:9 Amplified Bible.

The key to living victoriously, without being bogged down by life’s issues and all sorts of problems, is to have persistent faith. Persistent faith is enduring and relentless. Even in adverse situations, it pushes forward. It is importunate and knows that God is able. This kind of faith brought down rain after three and a half years of drought when Elijah prayed earnestly (1 Kings 18:41-45).

Here are some key reasons why we need persistent faith in these perilous times, based on 2 Timothy 3:1-5 from the Amplified Bible:

•  Endurance Through Difficult Times: Persistent faith helps us navigate and endure the “dangerous times [of great stress and trouble]” described by Paul, providing strength and resilience when facing hardships that are “hard to bear”.

•  Counteracting Selfishness and Greed: In a world where people are increasingly “lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused]” and “lovers of money [impelled by greed],” persistent faith encourages us to live selflessly and generously.

•  Humility Over Arrogance: With society becoming more “boastful” and “arrogant,” persistent faith keeps us grounded in humility, recognizing our dependence on God rather than our abilities.

•  Promoting Respect and Gratitude: As disobedience to parents and ingratitude become more common, persistent faith fosters a culture of respect and thankfulness, honoring family, and valuing what we have.

•  Upholding Holiness and Morality: In a time when many are “unholy and profane,” persistent faith calls us to live lives set apart, maintaining moral integrity and sanctity.

•  Encouraging Love and Compassion: With increasing callousness and inhumanity, persistent faith prompts us to be “loving [not devoid of natural human affection],” showing kindness and compassion to others.

•  Promoting Reconciliation and Peace: Persistent faith seeks to heal divisions, countering the “irreconcilable, malicious gossips” and fostering forgiveness and unity.

•  Self-Control Over Immorality: As people become “devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral],” persistent faith instills discipline and the ability to resist temptations and immoral behavior.

•  Advocating Goodness: In a world where brutality and hatred of good are prevalent, persistent faith motivates us to pursue and advocate for what is good and just.

•  Loyalty and Trustworthiness: With increasing betrayal and recklessness, persistent faith encourages us to be “loyal” and “trustworthy,” maintaining integrity in our relationships and commitments.

•  Prioritizing God Over Pleasure: In a culture obsessed with “sensual pleasure” rather than loving God, persistent faith helps us keep our focus on spiritual fulfillment and devotion to God.

•  Authentic Faith: When many hold to a “form of [outward] godliness” but deny its power, persistent faith ensures our faith is genuine and transformative, reflected in our actions and not just our words. [To be continued next week].
