“All our dreams can come if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.

Welcome, esteemed friends, to this week’s ATM [A Teaching Monday], where we embark on a transformative new series: DO LIFE BIG!

The renowned American comedian John Florence Sullivan, known professionally as Fred Allen, once said, “You only live once. But if you work it right, once is enough.” If we only live once, why should anyone choose to do life small when they can do life big? Why do some people settle for less when they can strive for more? Why should the status quo appeal to us when we can reach for the stars and become the best version of ourselves for the benefit of humanity?

These profound questions will be the focus of our life-changing series. Doing life big is not automatic. If wishes were horses, all beggars would ride. Doing Life Big starts with having a dream and requires the intentionality to turn that dream into reality.

Consider this powerful statement: To DO LIFE BIG, don’t LEAVE your dream—LIVE your dream! Every individual who has done life big shares one common trait: a DREAM they believed in. They poured so much energy generated from their dream into their will, emotion, and mind, empowering them to do everything they could to achieve it.

Walt Disney was a man who truly lived his dream and did life big. Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” He epitomized this belief by transforming a simple cartoon character into a global entertainment empire. Despite numerous setbacks and financial challenges, his unwavering vision and determination made Disneyland and Disney World a reality, places where dreams come to life every day.

Another inspiring example is Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. Walton didn’t leave his dream; he lived it. He believed in providing customers with affordable goods and revolutionized the retail industry with his innovative practices. “High expectations are the key to everything,” Walton said, and his grand expectations for himself and his business turned Walmart into the world’s largest retailer.

American humorist and author, Sam Levenson said, “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”. This inspiring quote serves as a reminder that persistence and determination are key to living our dreams.

Next week, I will share a simple yet powerful acronym, DREAM, that will help you to live your dream and do life big! Stay tuned for an inspiring journey ahead. [To be continued next week].
