“Are not all the angels spirits who work for God? They are sent out to help those who are to be saved from the punishment of sin.” – Hebrews 1:14 New Life Version.

The Neglected Ministry of Angels

Welcome, Treasured Friends, as we continue our journey into Wonders Without Number this week with a special focus on the angelic ministry. Unfortunately, this is one of the most neglected subjects in the church today, yet it is critical to experiencing the fullness of God’s wonders in our lives. The Bible clearly highlights the role of angels as God’s holy messengers who are sent to assist those who will inherit salvation.

Hebrews 1:14 (NLV) affirms this truth: “Are not all the angels spirits who work for God? They are sent out to help those who are to be saved from the punishment of sin.” In the same chapter, Hebrews 1:14 (ERV) puts it this way: “All the angels are spirits who serve God and are sent to help those who will receive salvation.”

The angelic ministry is a crucial part of God’s plan for our salvation, yet many believers are unaware of their presence and role. As a result, they miss out on the fullness of Wonders Without Number that God has prepared for them. Psalm 103:20 (CEB) reveals that angels are “mighty in power and keep His word, who obey everything He says.” They are ready and willing to act on God’s command for our benefit!

Awaken to the Supernatural!

To experience marvelous things without numbers, we must be aware of the ministry of angels. We are not ordinary beings; Galatians 4:31 (AMP) reminds us that “we are not children of the natural but of the supernatural.” Therefore, the supernatural should be a natural occurrence in our lives—and this includes the intervention of angels.

If we remain ignorant of this vital benefit of salvation, as seen in Psalm 103:2 and 20, we deprive ourselves of experiencing the wonders that God has already set in motion. Hebrews 2:1 (NLV) urges us: “That is why we must listen all the more to the truths we have been told. If we do not, we may slip away from them.” Ignorance of the angelic ministry can hinder us from accessing the Wonders Without Number that belong to us as heirs of salvation.

Testimonies of Angelic Intervention

Let me share two personal encounters that demonstrate the reality of the angelic ministry in action—examples of how God sends His angels to work wonders in our lives:

The Vanishing Ticket File:

A few years ago in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I received a ticket for $301 for parking in front of my own residence. The officer claimed the spot was reserved for the handicapped, but the handicap sign was no longer valid. I disputed the ticket and went to a hearing, trusting God for a favorable outcome. While I was waiting, meditating on Psalm 103:20, a commotion erupted inside the hearing office because my file went missing! The city representative had no choice but to dismiss the case because no one could locate my file. This was not luck—it was the angels of God at work! I believe they stepped in and caused the file to vanish, resulting in a victory for me.

Divine Passage at the Airport:

Another remarkable event occurred earlier this year [January 2024] when my wife and I were returning from a minister’s conference in Texas. We were almost late for our flight to Philadelphia due to a long security check queue. Instead of panicking, I began to pray quietly in the Spirit, activating the angels of God according to Exodus 23:20 and Hebrews 1:14. Five minutes into my prayer, I received an inspiration to move forward respectfully, pleading with those in front of us to allow us to pass through as we were running late. Miraculously, everyone allowed us to pass, and we cleared security just in time to board the flight before the gate closed. This was an angelic intervention at work!

Don’t Neglect This Great Salvation

Beloved, we must not neglect the great salvation that has been offered to us, as Hebrews 2:3 warns: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” This salvation includes the angelic ministry, which is one of the supernatural tools God has provided for our benefit. As believers, we are heirs of the supernatural, and the ministry of angels should be a natural part of our faith walk.

Let us embrace the truth of Psalm 103:20 and Hebrews 1:14. Angels are actively at work to fulfill God’s will in our lives. When we partner with them through prayer, faith, and obedience, we position ourselves to experience Wonders Without Number! To Be Concluded Next Week…
