Flourishing During Famine Part 1!

Flourishing During Famine Part 1!

Flourishing During Famine Part 1! “Then Isaac PLANTED [SEED] in that land [as a farmer] and REAPED in the same year a HUNDRED TIMES [as much as he had planted], and the LORD BLESSED and FAVORED him. And the man [Isaac] BECAME GREAT and GAINED MORE and MORE UNTIL he...
Confidence Can Be Learnt

Confidence Can Be Learnt

Confidence Can Be Learnt Sometimes women disqualify themselves from opportunities because they feel that they are not qualified or not enough. Recently, I was listening to a female motivational speaker talking about why women need confidence. Statistics show that...
Exodus Into Better Things 2!

Exodus Into Better Things 2!

Exodus Into Better Things 2! “ARISE and DEPART, for THIS IS NOT YOUR REST; because it is defiled, it shall destroy, Yes, with utter destruction.” – Micah 2:10 New King James Version. “Now Joshua was old and gone far in years [over 100], and the Lord said to him, you...